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How to write emails that sell

Webinar 15.05.2009

Werbe-Ikone Andy Owen ist einer der begnadetsten Werbetexter. Er verrät anhand von Praxisbeispielen, welche Texte in E-Mail wirken und welche nicht

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Andy Owen is a committed Direct Marketing professional, having been involved in the industry for well over two decades.

He is passionate about DM - as anyone who knows him will tell you. If you fancy a chat about the business - call him. He would be delighted to hear from you…

He still works at the 'sharp end' of the business, running one of the world's most respected direct marketing agencies, who assist, guide and advise clients of all shapes and sizes in all corners of the world, in all aspects of the medium.

Andy is still personally involved in all the creative and copy that emanate from the agency and he studies the art of communication with a dedication that makes him very unusual these days.