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CONTENTSERV veröffentlicht letztes Service-Release für die Version 5.2 der EMMS-Lösung

The software manufacturer CONTENTSERV GmbH will be bringing out the final service release for version 5.2 of its EMMS.
Contentserv GmbH | 20.04.2010
On April 20, 2010 the second and final service pack for version 5.2 of the CS EMMS-Suite (CS 5.2 SR 2) will be released. From then on there will only be service releases for the current version 5.3. This service release includes numerous improvements. On the one hand, bugs have been fixed in order to improve the system’s stability and security. On the other hand, various adaptations have made it possible to significantly increase the performance.
As a result of the service release, version 5.2 will also profit from the integration of several features of the recently released upgrade version 5.3. These include, for example, innovations in product data management, more efficient workflow management, the new spell checker in the web editor and several other new features in media asset management. The improved portal components, including IE support are also applied. The extended web services with the new WSDL module are now supported in version 5.2 as well. The CSTP module for desktop integration under Mac OS X, the central system setup dialog and the latest version of the CS Publication Planner, however, are still only available as of version 5.3.

Further information regarding the features that have been integrated form version 5.3 can be found in the respective release notes under CONTENTSERV recommends all users of version 5.2 to install the service release.


Die CONTENTSERV GmbH ist Software-Hersteller für Enterprise-Marketing-Management-Solutions (EMMS). Mit ihrem ganzheitlichen und benutzerfreundlichen Ansatz bildet die CONTENTSERV-Lösung das Kreativ-System für Marketing, Vertrieb und Kommunikation. Sie unterstützt dabei sämtliche Medien-, Print- und Kommunikationsprozesse. Medien, wie Kataloge, Websites, E-Shops, Print-und Online-Werbematerialien, können ohne Fachwissen professionell via Webbrowser erstellt werden. Damit werden Prozesse optimiert und hohe Kosten- und Zeiteinsparungen erzielt. Dies sorgt für ein schnelleres Time-to-Market in der Produktkommunikation und dadurch für klare Wettbewerbsvorteile.

Petra Kiermeier, Head of Marketing
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 1
85296 Rohrbach (Ilm) . GERMANY
T +49 8442 9253 870
F +49 8442 2044
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