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10 Tipps für ein besseres Email Marketing – Reagieren Sie jetzt!

Die Wahl des geeigneten Email-Versenders ist der erste Schritt, dann kommen Design, Inhalte und eine gute Liste dran …
14.06.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei BUSINESS NEWS DAILY

Email marketing makes connecting with potential and existing customers as simple as sending an email. Despite that simplicity, deciding what content to include in an email can still be a challenge for businesses looking to gain the benefits of email marketing.

Wikus Engelbrecht, a writer at email marketing company GraphicMail, which has worked with such well-known companies as Shell and Siemens, has a number of tips for businesses on how they can not only take the guesswork out of their email marketing, but also how they can maximize their efforts. The tips are:

Choose the best ESP for your needs
“Before you start emailing, it’s vital that you choose the best email service provider (ESP) for your business,” Engelbrecht said. “An effective service provider should offer both online and telephonic customer support and training, and provide all the tools and tutorials necessary to help you easily create a campaign. Your ESP should also offer a pricing plan that fits your budget, and have a reliable sending infrastructure with multiple high-speed connections and hardware redundancies, so you can send at any time or volume.”