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Ideen und Anstöße, um mehr Email Adressen zu gewinnen

Sehr interessante Ideen, ihre praktische Durchführung ist jedoch in Deutschland ohne Vorgangsmodifizierung aus rechtlichen Gründen nicht möglich!
10.06.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei ClickZ

I spoke at an association conference recently and had the opportunity to sit in a on a few of the other presentations. One of them struck a chord, not just with me but with the other attendees.

The presenter was a young marketer who works for a niche business-to-business publishing company (online and print). Their "list first" focus had taken them from 25,000 new email addresses a year to 100,000 without buying or renting email lists.

Everyone in their organization, including editors and support staff, is charged with helping to grow the list; everyone in the marketing department is required to bring in one new list a month. So how do they do it ...