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YAHOO! gibt Email-Adressen nach 12 Monaten frei!

Natürlich nur diejenigen, auf die in dieser Zeit nicht zugegriffen wurde. Das könnte auch Ihre Adressen betreffen. Prüfen Sie die "Nicht-Öffner".
06.07.13 | Interessanter Artikel bei DealerRefresh

What Are You Doing With All Those Yahoo Email Addresses?

In looking at the percentage of Yahoo! email addresses dealers obtain, Yahoo is always in the top three and usually at the top. When Yahoo! makes a change it can have a big impact.

Yahoo recently announced that they will be releasing user IDs that haven’t been accessed in over 12 months and making those user IDs available for someone else to register. Additionally, Yahoo announced a policy that user IDs will be released after 12 months of inactivity moving forward. So Yahoo users who don’t log into their accounts in 12 months will lose their user ID...