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3 Wege, wie Social Media große Firmen beeinflussen wird

Jay Baer erklärt, auf welche Weise Social Media in den kommenden Jahren große Firmen beeinflussen wird.
11.10.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketingsherpa Blog

In many (perhaps most) big companies, we are past the point of debating why we should do social media and more often wondering how we can do social media well.

That’s the good news.

The bad news is that many organizations are making it much more about the media than it is about the social, using traditional incentives and rote communications crumbs cast off from dusty email newsletters.

Smart companies recognize that social media is about a lot more than a Facebook page and that understanding how to BE social is the key to success , more so than worrying how to DO social.

The companies committed to baking sociability into all corners of the operation (what we often call “social business design” these days) will find social media providing three big, non-obvious impacts in the coming years: