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Wie Sie am Besten Ihr Webinar vermarkten

Webinare sind ideal, um das Spezialwissen Ihres Unternehmens zu verbreiten. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie diese am Besten vermarkten.
10.10.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Benchmark Email

Last week I talked about the benefits of marketing content with webinars and white papers. Webinars are such a powerful tool that the marketing strategy merits a little specialized attention.

If you’re not on board with webinars yet, know that they’re easily shared opportunities to boast about your company’s knowledge and specialties. They also set you up as an authority in your field, and allow you to remotely attract a pool of curious-minded folks that can convert into customers at best and loyal brand followers if nothing else.

Webinars also let you hone your own skill by tailoring your message. What do you do? How do you do it best? And what are key points that get people’s attention? These are all easily lengthy answers that you have to present in concise points once you decide to host a webinar.