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10 Email Marketing Design Tipps

Wie lange nutzen Sie bereits Ihren Newsletter? Vielleicht ist jetzt die Zeit für ein Facelift…
02.03.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei SimplyCast

Whether your designing yourself, using a template from an email marketing software system or have an entire team of creative graphic designers on call, the best practices for email design remain the same.

In marketing, we all know it’s the little things that can make or break your efforts. And, with email marketing, sometimes poor design trumps great copy.

Here are 10 email marketing design tips to follow:

1. Mind the preview pane
Don’t load up the top part of your email with logos or pictures: this is the most valuable part of your email, so this is where your call-to-action lives.

2. Design for mobile devices
The majority of your subscribers still view your email on their computers, but the number of mobile users are growing. Design your email so it looks the best on mobile devices, regardless of how it’s viewed.