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So erstellen Sie eine erfolgreiche Email von Kopf bis Fuß

Haben Sie sich je gefragt, was für die Attraktivität und den Erfolg einer Email verantwortlich ist?
20.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei VerticalResponse

Ever wonder what makes an email look great and work successfully? You probably have, we get this question a lot. To help answer that question we’re going to go through an email from head-to-toe and point out components that will give you a successful email.

Let’s start at the top:

From Label – This should be your company name, as most people will recognize your company more quickly than say, your personal name, and since you have just a few seconds to get someone to open your email, you want quick recognition.

Subject Line - Once your reader understands who sent the email, the subject line is what will entice them to open it. Write something catchy or interesting, but also informative (easier said than done, right?) Check out our free Savvy Subject Line Writing for Success guide for help!

Background – Use an email background color or pattern that's easy on the eyes. The colors in the example below aren't too bright, dark or distracting. Using black text (dark gray is good too) on a white background is the easiest to read.