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E-Mail Marketing Tipps: Die Gefahren, unabsichtlich zu Spammen

Lesen Sie hier über die Gefahren, wenn Ihre E-Mail irgendwie mit Spam in Verbindung gebracht wird.
26.08.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Benchmark Email

Email marketing has been a proven way of promoting a business or non-profit cause long before social media and mobile arrived on the scene. Many more are sure to come around and chances are this old school tactic will still be going strong. Email marketing is great, no doubt, but there is one perception it has never been able to shake: spam. Whether it is done on purpose or unintentionally, spamming can literally destroy your efforts. Take note of the perils that come with associating your email campaigns with spam.

Blacklisted and Blocked

You may not feel it right away, but sending spam or even being accused of sending it could have serious consequences over time. One of the most significant consequences is being blacklisted by ISPs. Blatantly spam your subscribers or keep sending irrelevant content that compels them to report you, and the blacklist could be your fate. The same thing could happen if you keep sending legitimate, relevant messages to invalid email addresses your “former” subscribersʼ ISPs have repurposed into spam traps. There are a couple of ways to end up on the dreaded blacklist, and they all result in the same unfortunate situation, which is not being able to reach your subscribers because your access is cut off.