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Was ist ein Bounce?

Dennis Dayman erklärt hier, was Bounces genau sind und gibt technische Tipps.
20.12.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Clickz

By the time you're reading this I should be attending the 23rd Messaging Anti-Abuse Working Group general meeting in Paris, France. Yes, tough job, but someone's got do it.
As you hopefully recall from a few weeks ago, we wanted to break into sections how email works.
Today we are taking on the second part of this series: "What is a "bounce"?
Defining a Bounce
One aspect of good email marketing practice is being able to interpret and respond to the machine responses (referred to as "bounces") when email fails to be delivered to its intended recipient. Bounces occur because the recipient's mailbox is full, the mail server is temporarily unavailable, or the recipient no longer has an email account at that address. A bounce usually appears as a new note in your inbox when you send a personal or work-related email.