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Workshop 4: Markets and Conversations

Evident | 17.06.2008 14:00
Der Exklusiv-Workshop mit Keynote-Speaker David Weinberger ist gesondert buchbar.
Workshop 4: Markets and Conversations
The new connective infrastructure is rapidly turning markets into conversations. Customers are discovering that the best source of information usually is another customer. They are learning how to find and evaluate what they need, and they are doing so together. This undermines the traditional techniques businesses have used to manage themselves and their customers. In this tutorial session, it will be explored how business can respond to this enormous challenge and enormous opportunity.


Explore how market conversations work
Discuss ways to enter those conversations fruitfully
Examine the broad question of marketing's future
Der Exklusiv-Workshop mit Keynote-Speaker David Weinberger ist gesondert buchbar. Die maximale Teilnehmerzahl beträgt 20 Personen. Die Teilnahmegebühren inklusive der Teilnahme am Kongresstag am 18. Juni 2008 betragen 1.200 Euro zzgl. MwSt.