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10 Tipps wie Sie Newsletteranmeldungen über die Ferienzeit generieren

Loren McDonald gibt 10 Empfehlungen, wie und wo Sie in der Ferienzeit am besten Adressen generieren.
27.07.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Silverpop

The weather outside may not yet be frightful, but it’s time to start thinking about the delightful marketing initiatives you’ll put into action this holiday season.

Most retailers gear up for the holidays with an eye on maximizing revenue during the busiest shopping season of the year. But the savviest marketers also look at the long view, thinking about how they can build relationships with these buyers that can lead to all kinds of good things like word-of-mouth, testimonials and, yep, repeat purchases.

Step one in that process is building your email list. With more visitors to your website, social media pages and physical stores (if applicable), this is an ideal time to turn those extra eyeballs and increased foot traffic onto your email program, which you can then use to inform, entertain and educate these new subscribers.

Here are 10 places to promote your email program during the holidays: