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Holen Sie das Beste aus Ihren Newsletter-Abonnenten heraus!

Eine große Liste zu haben ist nicht genug. Man muss die Leser zur Interaktion animieren...
06.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei DreamGROW

Having many newsletter subscribers doesn’t mean much if you aren’t taking advantage of the opportunity to contact them and stay in touch. Oftentimes small businesses and entrepreneurs build up subscribers, but they don’t translate those subscribers into social media followers, repeat website visitors or, and most importantly, sales! In this article, we will look more at how you can make the most out of your newsletter subscriber base and increase awareness of your company’s goods and services.

Give, Give, Give!
The most important step you can take with your newsletter is to make sure that it offers something. Now the “something” in question does not need to necessarily cost you money to provide. If you are a small business or entrepreneur, you probably don’t have that kind of cash to throw around. So what can you do? The answer is, more than you might think.

It is vitally important to make sure that your newsletters are worthwhile and contain valuable information. You want people to feel as though your newsletters are worth the time. Additionally, the newsletters should do more than promote your business and tell everyone how completely and totally fantastic you are.