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10 Fehler, die Sie bei der Erstellung Ihres Newsletters vermeiden sollten!

Zu lang, überladen und … Kommt es Ihnen vielleicht bekannt vor?! Unternehmen Sie etwas dagegen, noch heute …
20.06.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei mailer mailer

In order to benefit from the true power of email marketing, it has to be done right. Mistakes in your email campaigns can ultimately affect your customer relationships and ROI. Steer clear of these common email marketing mistakes in order to make the most of your next campaign.

1. Don’t Over-Clutter Your Email
Email recipients today are already overwhelmed with the volume of emails in their inbox. Don’t make it worse by cramming tons of stories into one email message. Stick to 2 to 3 top stories or articles and keep your format consistent moving forward.

2. Don’t Make it Too Long
This goes for both the subject line as well as the email message itself. Overly long subject lines tend to look spammy. Try to keep it concise.