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Ist Ihre E-Mail-Segmentierung erfolgreich?

Jordie van Rijn analysiert, ob Ihre E-Mail-Segmentierung wirklich den Kosten-Nutzen-Effekt bringt, den sie bringen soll.
10.06.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Benchmark E-Mail

Segmentation is a popular tactic to take your email marketing to the next level. It can bring you more success, but segmentation efforts also cost money and resources. Yet if we examine our list management closely we must ask: is our segmentation giving us what it should?

How Segmentation Works

Take the example of a sports retailer. He normally sends a general catalog newsletter to his email list to promote his store and the sporting goods he sells. But a special on tennis equipment will work best if he sends it to the people interested in tennis. The people only interested in basketball just won’t care about tennis rackets so he can send them a special on basketball goods.