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From Pages to People: Behavioral Targeting AG | 07.11.2007 10:10
Behavioral targeting is more than just a trend. It's a fundamental shift in the advertising world. Where once the focus lay on booking printed paper, timeslots on television, or websites with the hope of reaching the right target group, it's now possible to speak to people directly. Advertising is no longer oriented toward edited content but rather directly toward the behavior and affinities of the user. People instead of pages, precision instead of scattershot, for edited or user generated content alike?that is behavioral targeting, which is the future of advertising using electronic media! Leading minds in the fields of technology, media planning and marketing will come together in this forum to discuss their insights into the development of advertising in digital media and the significance of targeting technologies. A glance at the list of participants suggests that controversial opinions should be expected. Yet even if there remains a lack of unified understanding of the possibilities and limits of the different approaches, the market is just beginning to sort itself out. This is the perfect forum to learn why you should be putting your bets on behavioral targeting. Form your own opinion, and help shape the field's development as well.