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15 Tipps für Email-Adressgenerierung mit Opt-In, welche Sie ausprobieren sollten!

Man kann fast immer und überall mit einfachen Mitteln Adressen mit Opt-In generieren. Lesen hier wie…
07.02.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei mailer mailer

1. Trade Shows. Collect email addresses at trade shows and events. Be clear about what the person is signing up to receive. Get your own Printable Sign up Form.

2. Business meetings. Trade business cards when you meet new potential clients and ask if they’d like to be added to your email list.

3. Webinars. At the close of every webinar, provide instructions to the attendees on how to sign up to receive your newsletter.

4. Website. Host a sign up form on your company’s blog or website. Add two to three bullet points explaining the benefits of signing up.

5. Store front. If you have a brick-and-mortar store, collect email addresses at the register. Draw your shoppers in by letting them know they will receive your newsletter along with exclusive coupons, discounts and sale alerts.

6. Contests. Another way to draw sign ups is to leverage contests or drawings. Add a snippet of text along with your sign up form such as, “submit your email address to win.” This method should be used cautiously. Since the person is only signing up in order to participate in the contest, and not necessarily sign up for your newsletter, you should include a brief disclaimer or checkbox that allows them to opt-out of receiving your newsletter to avoid any spam issues you may encounter.