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5 Wege wie Start-ups mehr Email Leads generieren können

Da es in der Tat mehr Menschen Emails nutzen als soziale Netzwerke, sollten sich Start-ups über die Listenaufbau mehr Gedanken machen!
21.09.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei AWeber

Email is a fantastic way to build goodwill with current and prospective customers. With more people using email than any social network, it is essential for all new startups to take list building very seriously.

The question is this: how can startups create more email leads without becoming overly aggressive (a big turnoff) in their tactics?

Below I discuss 5 tested (and proven!) ways that startups can capture more emails without losing customer goodwill.

1.) Integrate Email into Your Offering
Oftentimes, a startup’s homepage can be utilized to gather emails in a very natural way, such as taking the product or service for a test-drive.

One great example of this in action can be found over at BidSketch (proposal creation software), where founder Ruben Gamez collects emails on his homepage for test-proposals...