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6 lustige Arten, Ihr E-Mail & Social Media Marketing aufzupeppen

E-Mail-Marketing muss nicht immer ernst sein. Lesen Sie hier, wie Sie Ihre Inhalte auffrischen können.
28.10.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Benchmark Email

Your social media-savvy, email marketing customers have enough on their minds these days without having to view your campaign with the seriousness of global warming or the national deficit. Injecting some light-hearted fun into your content can spark up your approach and drive conversions.

1. Make Fun of Trending Topics

The first spy shots from the set of the new Superman movie set internet tongues wagging around the world. For the first time ever, the Kryptonian Man of Steel's costume was missing his trademarked red underwear! What better time to promote a sale on your red underwear lines and encouraging your customers to wear them outside their trousers to show support for the traditional supersuit?