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So machen Sie Ihren Newsletter „Mobile tauglich“

Wie sieht Ihr Newsletter auf Smartphones aus? Wie oft wird Ihr Newsletter mobil gelesen? Es sind eventuell Anpassungen notwendig…
25.01.12 | Interessanter Artikel bei GetResponse

Fingers are less accurate than a cursor, so you’ll need to rework your email creative paying special attention to CTA buttons, pre-headers and navigation.

1. Vertical spacing
2. Left justify for Android
3. Product images as links
4. Don’t ignore the footer
5. Push contrast & font size
6. Lighter, cleaner content

None of these tweaks requires special mobile coding, just a mindset change. It’s time to get serious about designing emails for touch. It doesn’t have to be perfect, you can gradually rework sections over time, but you should make a start. Have you?