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Wie Sie E-Mail-Abonnenten verlieren Teil 2: E-Mails, für die ich mich nie angemeldet habe

Paul Rijnders beschreibt aus persönlicher Erfahrung, wie unerwünschte E-Mail-Werbung abschreckt.
19.09.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Benchmark Email

Ah, getting older. It’s making me so persnickety. As this is the golden age of email newsletters and I’m on all these great email lists, I’m getting downright fussy about what I want to encounter as I skim my messages. I’m no longer desperate for newsletters. I’m getting discriminating tastes.

Because I read my emails in Apple’s Mail client, I no longer look at subject lines anymore (read my post on How Apple OS X Lion Lets Email Marketers Jump the Subject Line if you want to know more). Now, I just skim through and look at the emails themselves. If they don’t appeal to me, I say, “Next!” and sail on to the next one.