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Wie Sie Ihre Leadgenerierung finanzieren

Dave Green erklärt, wie SIe Ihre Leadgenerierung zum Laufen bringen und rentabel machen.
30.06.11 | Interessanter Artikel bei Marketingsherpa Blog

You’d like to take your lead generation function to a new level. But how? The cost of all you want to do is far more than you suspect you can get budget for. Plus, you’ve seen others try new things that didn’t work. They lost credibility and any chance for getting funding in the future.

In this economy, that’s the last thing you need.

Let me share a blueprint that’s worked for me. I first used this blueprint ten years ago to help Denny Head, who worked at Avaya, get the funding that resulted in a billion-dollar sales lead pipeline in 20 months.

When framing your lead generation pilot for your CMO, keep these four critical success factors in mind.